Truth and Dare Group:
Occupy your Self
Allow the truth of who you are
to lead your genuine creative daring
Allow the truth of who you are
to lead your genuine creative daring
A unique small group coaching experience...listen to alumnae talk about it in this video:
Join Us?
Out of 30+ years of teaching, coaching and leading group experiences, this program is my favorite, ever. Truth and Dare Group feels to me like the flowering of a lifetime devoted to deepening connection with the source of creative flow and discovering what really works to facilitate that kind of opening for others. It is my idea of a very good time.
Truth and Dare Group gathers 4 to 6 humble geniuses who are waking up even more to their riches of curiosity, kindness, intelligence, humor, mercy, honesty, courage, receptivity, persistence and willingness. For starters.
Truth and Dare Group members are lifelong learners who have already grown a lot psychologically and spiritually. They are ready for their next evolutionary leap. Or tip-toe baby-step. Or sashay waltz with Mystery....
Truth and Dare Group gathers 4 to 6 humble geniuses who are waking up even more to their riches of curiosity, kindness, intelligence, humor, mercy, honesty, courage, receptivity, persistence and willingness. For starters.
Truth and Dare Group members are lifelong learners who have already grown a lot psychologically and spiritually. They are ready for their next evolutionary leap. Or tip-toe baby-step. Or sashay waltz with Mystery....
"Those women are fantastic! I got so much out of their experiences."
–Lynne Tolk, Member
Fully occupy your Self, your life, your creativity...
The Truth and Dare Group program supports you in being and expressing your most in-love, alive, awake Self, who channels brilliant presence into all aspects of your life, mundane and exalted–your relationships, your writing and art-making, your earn-a-living work, your dreams, your gardening, your grateful grocery list.
Your growth brings new ways to meet, forgive and heal those oh-so-human times when you find yourself reacting unskillfully, running before the lash of the anxious mind, swirling with stress and pressure that make it so much harder to accomplish what you feel called to do. Or shutting down into old patterns that can't deliver real nourishment and safety, much less joyful inspiration. In Truth and Dare Group you discover fresh routes to come home to the real light and love of your life and work, which welcomes the full range of your experience. And as you open ever further into your freedom, your work helps us remember ourselves too. |
"Truth and Dare Group is the perfect road trip–
Flexible Structure
Truth and Dare Group gives you a sturdy vessel for crossing into your next phase of development. Participants gift themselves and each other with a spacious, consistent pace of meeting for this tender, potent, incremental work.
We gather by conference call for 90 minute retreats twice a month for six months. Calls are recorded in case you have to miss one. Our calls become a refuge, a refreshing trip out beyond what we might already think we know.
We gather by conference call for 90 minute retreats twice a month for six months. Calls are recorded in case you have to miss one. Our calls become a refuge, a refreshing trip out beyond what we might already think we know.
"Meeting every other week really worked for me.
I'd been able to digest what we'd done and my appetite was back for more.
It gave continuity. Connection kept building over our months together. "
–Susan Mills, member
For the first third of our 90 minute conference calls, I lead us into direct creative experience related to a theme chosen to be relevant to everyone's unfolding journey.
These experiments invite members to open their minds, reflect on their particular concerns, apply new tools and perspectives on the spot, and play with discoveries beyond what a linear figure-it-out approach could access.
- We experiment with awareness, attention and energy practices.
- We try hands-on meaning-making exercises using drawing or wordplay.
- We stretch into mind yoga. We limber up imagination, perception and expression.
- We come to our senses, especially our Commonsense–the space in which hearing, seeing etc occur.
- We turn evocative topics this way and that, watching previously unseen facets catch the light.
- We taste the wordless fullness revealed when our tired-out notions are questioned and released.
- We train in hearing and dancing with the 'still, small Voice' of inner guidance.
These experiments invite members to open their minds, reflect on their particular concerns, apply new tools and perspectives on the spot, and play with discoveries beyond what a linear figure-it-out approach could access.
"It was more like a treasure hunt than school"
–Carolyn Christman, member
For the remainder of our call we have time for coaching and sharing. I work with people on whatever they bring up, in a context that supports other members to connect with their own questions and answers as they listen.
Witnessing the inquiry process of others can be as powerful as doing it yourself. It's so delicious to listen and resonate as someone's voice transforms with wonder when a gnarly thought-prison dissolves into nothingness.
Witnessing the inquiry process of others can be as powerful as doing it yourself. It's so delicious to listen and resonate as someone's voice transforms with wonder when a gnarly thought-prison dissolves into nothingness.
"I loved all the laughing that happened"
–Deb Davis, member
Members are also invited to send written check-in's once or twice between calls. Since our group is so small, we can use e-mail to stay in touch rather than an on-line forum, which may feel simpler and more personal. There's no homework, unless you choose to give yourself a particular dare to move your realizations into action–we can help with accountability and cheer you on.
We meet at our own growing edge and evolve from there, inquiring both deeply and lightly. With compassion, and good-fellowship.
We meet at our own growing edge and evolve from there, inquiring both deeply and lightly. With compassion, and good-fellowship.
"We gifted each other over and over again."
–Susan Mills, member
"I know I'm much looser and more relaxed.
I have a much stronger sense of belonging.
I'm allowing, I'm receiving much more than ever before.
This is really what I've been working towards in my life."
–Lynne Tolk, member
The benefits of this work can be deep, subtle and hard to define, or practical, tangible and obvious. Or both. Participants say the group supported shifts that were huge for them. One member found herself speaking from empowered maturity with a person who had triggered a majorly stressful victim pattern. Another noticed she was often feeling saturated with joy in the unexpected blessings of the day, without second-guessing or judging what got accomplished.
When you're living out of your realest self, everything you do and say naturally rings with that truth. You inspire and connect with others without trying to. You stop leaking energy from approval-seeking and other draining habits. You can completely forgive the past. The assurance of your own light shines through you.
When outdated defenses relax, you recognize a sparkling spectrum of choices. What might become possible–what might you create–as you move into action from your own just-in-time intuitive clarity?
When you're living out of your realest self, everything you do and say naturally rings with that truth. You inspire and connect with others without trying to. You stop leaking energy from approval-seeking and other draining habits. You can completely forgive the past. The assurance of your own light shines through you.
When outdated defenses relax, you recognize a sparkling spectrum of choices. What might become possible–what might you create–as you move into action from your own just-in-time intuitive clarity?
"I want to invest in my creativity."
–Deb Davis, member
Let's talk!
If joining in this adventure calls to you,
let's have a conversation about it.
let's have a conversation about it.
To find out whether Truth and Dare Group is right for you now,
we'll need to get to know each other a bit.
Next step:
I'll respond soon, probably the same day, and we'll set up a time to talk.
I won't try to persuade you; we'll look together to see whether this is a really good fit.
I won't try to persuade you; we'll look together to see whether this is a really good fit.
- 4-6 wonderful people
- Meeting for 90 minute creative inquiry retreats by conference call
- Twice a month for 6 months
- Current Price: $1080 ($180/month) (may change).
- The soonest to apply can influence scheduling and be first on the advance-notice list for next time.
So, listen within...
Ask your heart or gut or inner knowing
whether you want to open up the possibility of
giving yourself the gift of Truth and Dare Group Coaching.
If so, please take a few minutes now to...
whether you want to open up the possibility of
giving yourself the gift of Truth and Dare Group Coaching.
If so, please take a few minutes now to...
I'll look forward to talking with you soon.
"You (Jude) bring a real feeling of experimentation
and curiosity to our sessions.
You set a tone of trust and safety.
We have all laughed and cried and breathed together.
When steady guidance is needed, you bring it right on time.
You are so skillful and experienced and empathetic."
–Deb Davis, member
Want to join me in a conversation to explore whether this is for you now?
Stay in touch:
More about Working Together
About the Truth and Dare Coaching process
Thanks for looking!
All content and images copyright Jude Spacks, 2012 All rights reserved.
Please do not copy anything from this site without permission of the author/artist Jude Spacks
Please do not copy anything from this site without permission of the author/artist Jude Spacks